Tuesday, January 4, 2011


As you go through life, you will definitely pass a few milestones along the way.  Some of them are quite significant such as turning 21, getting married, or having your first child.  Others are more ceremonial like turning 30 or 40 where we tend to make a bigger deal out of these then we should.  This year, I will have one of each.

Let’s start with the more ceremonial milestone.  In April, I will turn 50.  For me, that’s really hard to believe because on the inside I don’t think I ever left my 30’s.  But time marches on and birthdays pass whether you want them to or not.  Since I still feel young at heart and mind, turning 50 doesn’t really concern me and I am looking forward to all of the celebration that comes with it.

IMG_3286 The second 2011 milestone is much more significant.  In August, Sherry and I will reach our 25th wedding anniversary.  That means we have been married to each for half of our lives since she just turned 50 as well.  We are very proud of this achievement particularly given the today’s current divorce rates.

However, it’s not the number that’s significant.  It’s the fact that after 25 years we still prefer each other’s company to anyone else.  Sure, I love my bike rides with friends but given the option of a long ride with friends or a long leisurely lunch with Sherry, she wins every time.

The secret is not just love.  Lot of couples love each other.  No, I think it’s the pleasure we get for being together and the fact that as we’ve grown as individuals, we’ve also grown as a couple.  We are not the same 25 year olds who got married but the people we are today are even closer in many ways.

So there you have it.  There’s a lot of great things to celebrate in 2011.  You can bet there will be a big party in August at our house.  I hope each you have your own celebrations to look forward to as well.

Au revoir!

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